Spring is around the corner 😍🌱🍀 and one of the most fun things to do is sitting or rolling on grass! No chilling on manicured land though 😱😲
This is our reality, I sure hope it won’t be the same for the upcoming generations.
There is a lot we need to do on our end, let us start by creating awareness…
#detoxcoach #detoxification
#pesticides #pesticidesfree #pesticidefree #pesticidefreefood #cleaneats #cleanliving #detoxlife #detoxlifestyle #chemicalfree #nutritioncoach #lifestylemedicinedoctor #weightlosshelp #stressmanagementcoaching #mindbodysouljourney #doctorwellness #mindbodysoulbalance #healthyandfit #livehealthylivewell #loseweightfeelgreat #loseweightforgood #mindbodymedicine #wellnessdoctor
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